"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Teaching Challenges

I debated whether or not to post this as we have tried to post the brighter side of things here in Thailand, but there are always bumps along the way, such as my recent teaching evaluation at our new workplace. It was humiliating, I mean who wants to be told after 5 years training to be a teacher that you really aren't that good... but at least you dress very professionally and smile a lot. It especially hurts when I know I go out there every day and try my best.

I suppose most of the conflict comes from the fact that my idea of a "good" education and a "good" teacher are not quite simpatico with the ideas here. The appearance of things is extremely highly valued, so how you look really is at least 50% of how you are perceived as a teacher. Along the same vein having kids show things that they know in a concrete way is held in high regard, so the "repeat after me" style reigns... whereas my biggest achievement would be to get my kids to start sounding out words (something much less glamorous to demonstrate).

Luckily, I have a fabulous support system out there who have reminded me that there are people who feel the same way I do about education. Rather than raising a toast to all these fine folks, I feel like I should engage in some discovery learning... perhaps I will go fill up the sink and see what sinks and floats? xoxo

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