"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shane accidentally, maybe goes to a house of ill repute

Since arriving in Thailand, Shane has become a big fan of Thai Massage. Being tall isn't all about reaching things on the high shelves, it is sometimes hard on your body. Massage here is totally cheap and great for the body, and there are a lot of really wonderful, legitimate massage places. There are also some massage places where you can opt for a wider range of services.

After a long day surfing, Shane's neck was feeling a little sore. As he often does, he set of to find a Thai masseuse. It should be noted that this would be the first massage had here in Phuket, and therefore we don't have a place we regularly go. After looking around our local area, he walked into a place that seemed pretty legitimate... but now we're not so sure.

The Shady Details:
1. After changing into the usual massage outfit (basically pyjamas) he was led into a private room... usually the massage areas are separated only by a curtain.
2. Things seemed a little less professional (and traditional) than usual, for instance, the masseuse was wearing what might be termed a provocative outfit (by Thai, not Western standards) rather than the traditional garb that is usually worn.
3. There was a TV in the massage room, which the masseuse watched the entire time.
4. At the end of the massage, the masseuse suggested that Shane have a 30 min. nap, and then she would come back and finish the massage. This is not normal... where was she going? Why was she coming back?

At this point, Shane said a polite kup-kuhn-krap (thank-you) and got the hell out of there, checking to make sure nobody we knew was out on the street.
We need your help, ladies and gentlemen. Please join us in voting for whether or not Shane almost received some of the wider range of services mentioned above. The poll is located near the top of the blog, you unfortunately have to have a google account to vote...

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