"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Shane Gets Another New Surfboard

Shane has purchased a new surfboard... so, we now have Betty:

 And Sheila

I figure that this grants me explicit permission to buy all kinds of things, seeing as this is an equal partnership, for example:
  • 1 pony, roughly the size of 2 surfboards (also both can be ridden)
  • 67 pairs of shoes costing 200 baht, plus one pair at 100 baht
  • 134 -100baht watches
  • 2 dogs (to be redeemed at any point I deem appropriate)

Any other suggestions are welcomed. Also if you want one of these pairs of shoes, I don't think they'll all fit in the luggage home.

In other news, Shane's brother is arriving in Phuket on Wednesday! We are SO EXCITED for his visit, we can't wait to show him all the craziness that Thailand has to offer!

Also, here are some gratuitous cute shots of dogs from the soi dog shelter on Friday. This week Shane came to meet the dogs, and of course take some pictures. 

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