"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Friday, June 10, 2011

Soi Dog Love

Soi dogs are street dogs here in Thailand. The smaller streets that branch of the bigger roads are called "sois" hence the name given to the dogs.

Although Thailand is full of dogs, they don't usually look like the kind of dogs you want to pet. Coming from a dog-filled home and being a dog-lover, I have been really feeling the lack of dog-love in my life. I found out about a great organization called the Soi Dog Foundation here in Phuket, and I have been volunteering with them on one of my days off each week; walking, scratching bellies and just spending time with the dogs. Here are some photos of the little critters, so that you guys can share this warm fuzzy feeling!

PS Like most charitable organizations, the Soi Dog Foundation is in need of donations. If you have been looking for a charity that needs your help, consider donating to these sweet dogs.

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