"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Rental Bike

Today's post SHOULD have been full of adorable pictures of our dog-to-be and his friends. Today I was headed to the north end of the island to the soi dog shelter, but Shane needed to head south to go surfing. Our solution was to rent a bike from the place down the road, not too expensive and then we could both go where we needed to. Or at least so we thought...

I headed up the highway and stopped to fill the bike up with gas. After filling it wouldn't start! The nice guys at the gas station helped me kick start it (the electric starter was dead) and I was off.

Fifteen minutes later I was driving along when I heard a "pop" and suddenly the engine was revving but the bike wasn't going anywhere. The belt had snapped :( I called Shane and he gallantly came to my rescue at a TINY repair shop in the middle of nowhere (a cow across the road was roaming around eating grass while my bike was fixed). We switched bikes so he could take the broken one back (and then head out south to the beach) and I could still get to soi dog since I was halfway there.

I headed off on our bike, and arrived at soi dog just in time to answer my phone. It was Shane "arrrrrgh the belt broke again, I am stranded on the side of the highway". I quickly explained to the soi dog staff the reason for my super quick visit, and headed off to rescue Shane.

After I found Shane on the side of the road we went back to get the original mechanic, who talked on the phone to the rental place. The rental place said they would come get the bike, of course this is Thailand so they didn't exactly jump on it and we waited from around 11 to 2 for someone to show up. Too late to go to soi dog we headed home...

What a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad motorbike!

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