"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dog Love

As many of you know, I have been volunteering every week at the soi dog shelter since we arrived in Phuket in April. It has been a really great experience and I continue to enjoy going out each week to walk and hang out with all these lovely dogs.

What you might not have known, is that we have been thinking about adopting one of the little guys for some time now! It is impossible to see them every week without falling in love.

After much deliberation (it is pretty hard to choose from almost 200 dogs) we have decided on this one!

 He is medium-sized and has nice thick fur, perfect for coming home with us in October when Canada starts to get cold! It might be a bit of a change for him, but I think he'll really enjoy the cooler temperatures (most of the dogs here don't look like they enjoy the heat too much)!
 He is a really sweet calm boy. When the other dogs are climbing all over you to get their turn to be petted or walked, he will wait on the sidelines until there's a space and then snuggle in to have you all to himself.
 We can't wait for everyone to meet him!!!
We haven't decided on a name yet. He has a name here at the shelter but the dogs don't really know their names and we don't really like it... I am still processing the fact that we are actually going to be bringing this little guy home with us in just a little while! Sooooo excited!

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