"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Baby Brother in Thailand

His visit might have been short but we got a lot done! Tim arrived on Saturday night and we took him shopping to shake off the jet lag, then sent him off to Rayleigh on Sunday for a little time on the beach. After the beach it was a night at pub quiz, and some celebrating my birthday.

Good times were had by all!
The next day was snorkeling. No pictures there, we forgot to put a memory card in the camera! We took Tim to our favourite restaurant for a birthday dinner and then ice cream for dessert.
On Friday we spent the morning at soi dog walking THREE pens of dogs! So many happy tails.
Next it was time for a surf lesson! Teacher Shane took Tim out to the beach to teach him to surf. Tim did great and even managed to get onto a few waves on his first day!
The last stop on our whirlwind tour of Phuket was the big buddha. They are building this monument on the top of one of the mountains here in Phuket. In order to help fund the project they let you buy a square of marble and write a message on it; then they use the square to continue the mosaic on the buddha. Tim took this opportunity to get a little thank-you gift for Aunt Barbara who generously helped to fund his trip!

We were sad to see him go! Luckily I will get to see everyone VERY SOON when I come home on October 6th!

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