"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lesson 1: Crossing the Road

We arrived in Thailand at 10 AM, Saturday October 30th. Our employer picked us up at the airport and drove us to our hotel. We were immediately struck by just how different everything is over here! For one thing, there are no real "rules" of the road over here, more like suggestions. People drive anywhere they want, at any speed they want... for example a 3 lane highway could become 7 lanes if there was a lot of traffic. We quickly decided that driving was probably NOT one of the experiences that we needed to have here in Thailand. The award for unsafe driving for that day goes to a lovely family of four all riding on one motorcycle...

After a whirlwind day of looking at apartments (you have to move fast here, your potential abode could be gone before dinner time) we went back to the hotel for the night. We decided that we would go for a walk before dinner to get the lay of the land and were quickly surprised by the fact that although there are crosswalks here, that does NOT mean cars will slow down or stop for you to cross. Crossing roads is generally done by running and dodging oncoming traffic, even by real Thais. By this time the jet lag was really starting to hit us so we ended up getting room service and heading off to bed!

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