"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chicken Loom

Yikes! Sorry about the long delay between posts this time... it has been pretty crazy around here.

One of us (Shane) got quite ill with some sort of food poisoning (but with the help of lots of bedrest and antibiotics is now feeling much better) which made for somewhat less adventuring on our part. It was also the first week back to school for the primary classes and was therefore very busy with lesson planning and such.

Junior kindergarten is, as expected, completely adorable. The kids refer to Hannah as "Teacha Na", an oversight which is in the process of being corrected. One trait of Thai speakers is the tendency to put the emphasis on the last syllable... something which we are trying (and failing) to not aquire! For example: copY this off the board or simply when saying Hannah's name "hanNAH". Currently in Kindergarten and grade two we are learning the rooms of the house, you know, your usual bed loom, bath loom, living loom and chicken loom... We are trying our best to pronounce kitchen with the utmost clarity (and actually at this point we are winning!).

This past weekend was the Thai festival of Loy Krathong, a beautiful festival where Thais apologize and give thanks to the river gods for all of their sins of the past year and float krathongs down the river with lit candles to symbolize wiping the slate clean. The longer your candle burns, the more luck you will recieve in the coming year. We were unable to make it to one of the bigger river festivals because of Shane's food poisoning but luckily our condo complex had a smaller version of the festivities so we didn't miss out entirely.

We have also moved into our new apartment! Apart from some minor hiccups while we get all the logistics sorted out we are really loving the new place. Pictures will come once we have everything settled and maybe some decorating done!


  1. Do you just wake up sometimes and go, "Hey, I'm in THAILAND." I have got you a squirrel made from brush Christmas decoration for when (if) you come back.

  2. wish i had your adventures love gran

  3. checking if Gran's google account is still live.

  4. There is no "if" haha, I will definitely be back! I miss everyone too much to stay out here forever.

    Yes, I say to myself all the time "Hey I'm in THailand". The weirdest feeling is when I realize that something that has become totally normal would be totally strange back home... For instance I forgot to take a picture of the little roadside restaurant where we often eat lunch at school when it was partially submerged by water because it seemed so normal to be eating in a flooded restaurant...
