"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"I don't understand 90% of what is going on around here"

Today Shane recieved an email from his brother asking if we had found a good place to get suits yet... This is a difficult question to answer because things are not like they are in Canada. For instance, in Canada if one wants to buy beer, one goes to The Beer Store and if one wanted a suit one could probably find a clothing store with some smartly dressed mannequins and make the correct assumption that suits would be inside. In Thailand you might have a store with a 90-year-old woman on a sewing machine at the door, a 14-year-old auto body specialist in the back and some sort of food vendor serving out the front. Can you get a suit here? We still aren't sure...

Teachers also fill a different role here, at least the Thai teachers. For instance, today if you were walking around the school you would have noticed many children with a stripe shaved in the back of their hair cuts...
You might think that this is simply a new fashion trend in Thailand, but you would be wrong. Apparently one of the Thai teachers decided that the children were letting their hair get too long, and in retaliation attacked them with an electric rasor. Take that Thai hippies!

PS. Dear Tim and Ian, this is my first webcomic attempt. I hope you are happy. One day I might learn how to add alt-text for you too :)

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