"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things Made in Our Oven -Part 1

I say part 1 because I hope that we will cook more things in the oven in the next 8 months that we are here.

As we have mentioned before, our Thai apartment does not really have a kitchen. When we moved in we bought a fridge, a hot plate, and the little convection oven that could. It looks like a giant glass bowl with a robot helmet on top, and we were both skeptical about how effective it would be... for comparables see the "flavour wave" of infomercial fame. Boy, were we wrong! So far in our oven we have cooked cheese bread, a roast chicken, pork tenderloin, cookies, a pumpkin pie AND hamburger rolls! Here are some quick pictures of some of the things we've made... here's hoping that our successes in the kitchen continue!


  1. Hannah, that convection oven is really wild. Who would think it could cook anything? What are hamburger rolls? I am so sorry to hear about all of the abandoned dogs. I have a huge problem with feral cats at my house. During a five-week period last year, we trapped about 15 of them. My yard guys take them to the spay/neuter clinic and then either release them back in my yard or somewhere else depending on their temperament.

  2. Hamburger buns : ) We made tiny burgers for part of a pot-luck type dinner with friends... and therefore needed tiny buns. Yes, we were surprised it could cook anything too!
