"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Monday, February 28, 2011

Our house

Welcome to our humble abode! We have been slowly gathering bits and pieces to put together our apartment and it is finally ready for viewing. Property is much cheaper here (unless you are trying to get a place right in Bangkok) so we are paying around $300 a month for this 7th (top) floor "penthouse" apartment with a seperate bedroom. Each building here has a theme from around the world. This picture shows you our hall in the "Africa" building at Champs Elysees. The green tusks really give it that little something extra :)
Home sweet home. Sort of. This is actually our neighbours' door. When they moved our mattress in they broke one of our elephant's tusks! We thought you would want to see the elephant intact. This is what all the doorways in this building look like.
Welcome inside! This is our front hall. Bathroom is on the right :) it looks much the same except for the addition of the ass blaster by the toilet.
Our "kitchen". You can see our oven on the counter, our hot plate is put away in the drawer. On the fridge we have pictures of all our friends, family and pets who we miss back home! Notice the lack of kitchen sink. We have to do all our dishes in the shower... kind of awkward.

The living room. We aren't huge fans of the sofa, it looks a bit like the back seat of a van. However, it does fold down into a somewhat short bed... perfect for watching movies on lazy Sunday mornings. Also perfect for anyone who wants to come and visit! The apartments come mostly furnished. All we had to buy was: TV, fridge, hot plate & oven, dining table & chairs.

Entertainment :) Some electronics are fairly cheap here, such as TVs. Our plan is to try to tote this giant thing back with us when we come home... wish us luck!  ; )
The curtains are covering the french doors out to our little balcony. It has a big ugly air conditioner but is nice for sitting in the evening (if the mosquitoes aren't too bad) and is handy for drying the laundry! You can also see our little dining table in the corner; excellent for games, cards or dinner with friends.

This picture is looking up from our living room at our bedroom. On the right hand side you can see the stairs up to the bedroom. It looks like there is a  big window in the bedroom but it is actually a skylight over the living room, reflected in the window. The seperate bedroom makes for a nice quiet sleep, or some privacy for any guests who come to visit!

The bedroom, with the HUGE bed! What you can't see is the big closet (lots of room for new clothes) and vanity. 

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