"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Snack Foods: Canada VS Thailand

Sometimes here in Thailand we find things that are almost like home... except that we're in Thailand, so of course they're a little bit different. Take Pringles for instance. At home they come in flavours like: salt & vinegar, sour cream & onion, BBQ. In Thailand they come in: nori seaweed, spicy shrimp, and Hazlenut & Blueberry.
Although we enjoy most food here in Thailand, I would not recommend Blueberry & Hazlenut Pringles. Overall in the chip category, for our tastes, Canada comes out on top (we even had my parents smuggle us a bag of ketchup chips and a bag of dill pickle chips over on their visit).

Another thing that Thailand does differently is popsicles. However, this time I might have to give the leading edge to Thailand. In Canada, popsicles are only popular for a few months of the year. Consequently, nobody ever gets tired of the same old flavours and they can keep putting them out year after year; a clear popsicle pete monopoly. In Thailand, you can eat a popsicle in any month... so they have become a little more ingenious with trying to make their popsicle stand out from the crowd. For instance, the Eskimo Monkey:

This popsicle has a frozen jelly outside, that you peel like a banana, and a vanilla ice-cream centre. Being Thailand, the yellow jelly tastes like grape (not banana). Delicious!

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