"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Lady's Club of Thailand

Well, I've had my induction into the Lady's Club of Thailand...
Apparently this happens to all the Thai ladies. I was sitting side-saddle on the motorbike when we had a little tip carrying Shane's surfboard to the beach and I ended up with some painful, but not too serious, 2nd degree burns. Lesson learned and we've now had a blacksmith make us a side rack for the board, so we'll be riding much more safely! Unfortunately this means that I live on an island but I can't go swimming until the bandages come off, sigh.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Snack Foods: Canada VS Thailand

Sometimes here in Thailand we find things that are almost like home... except that we're in Thailand, so of course they're a little bit different. Take Pringles for instance. At home they come in flavours like: salt & vinegar, sour cream & onion, BBQ. In Thailand they come in: nori seaweed, spicy shrimp, and Hazlenut & Blueberry.
Although we enjoy most food here in Thailand, I would not recommend Blueberry & Hazlenut Pringles. Overall in the chip category, for our tastes, Canada comes out on top (we even had my parents smuggle us a bag of ketchup chips and a bag of dill pickle chips over on their visit).

Another thing that Thailand does differently is popsicles. However, this time I might have to give the leading edge to Thailand. In Canada, popsicles are only popular for a few months of the year. Consequently, nobody ever gets tired of the same old flavours and they can keep putting them out year after year; a clear popsicle pete monopoly. In Thailand, you can eat a popsicle in any month... so they have become a little more ingenious with trying to make their popsicle stand out from the crowd. For instance, the Eskimo Monkey:

This popsicle has a frozen jelly outside, that you peel like a banana, and a vanilla ice-cream centre. Being Thailand, the yellow jelly tastes like grape (not banana). Delicious!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I love my Fino

Breaking news this mother's day sunday... we have become the proud owners of a motorbike! No more grocery shopping at 7-11, now we can get out to Tesco! No more taking SUPER SLOW buses to the beach, now we can get there ourselves. It is also convenient to be able to go places that are outside walking distance from the apartment. We are definitely looking forward to increased mobility.

Not too shabby! We ended up buying it off a guy who was upgrading from this to something fancier for his girlfriend :) which meant the price was definitely right.

So, for all you prospective visitors, come on down and you can go for a spin (seats up to six lol)! : )

Monday, May 2, 2011

Home Sweet Home #2

 The kitchen with a real kitchen sink! We keep saying how much better it is doing dishes in a sink than squatting in the shower!
 Dining room/ Shane's surfboard workshop. Much time is spent here polishing, waxing and otherwise caring for Surf Betty.
 Living room area.
 Our view! A beautiful mountain with a beautiful temple. We can hear monks chanting from the shower in the mornings and evenings.
Our bathroom... nothing special but we thought we'd include a picture since this is a much more typically Thai bathroom. Notice that there is no shower curtain or anything, the shower is just in part of the washroom. This means that the floor is often wet, but does make it easy to clean!