"The straight way's short, but the long way's pretty..."

Sunday, December 26, 2010

T'was the day before Christmas

and we saw through the fog, every creature was busy -even the soi dogs.
The stages were being decorated with the utmost of care,
in hopes that the President of the Obejaw soon would be there.
The children ran wild as is usual here,
For them to suddenly get struck with nerves was the teachers' biggest fear.

I in Reindeer antlers and Shane in a Christmas cap
were wishing we could take a hard-earned Christmas nap.

Yes, yesterday was our big Christmas eve spectacular at school. Each campus had a seperate show, sharing one Santa (who may have developed heat stroke during the event) to hand out small gifts and candy. Shane's side (Matayom or highschool) had a Rockin Around the Christmas Tree song and dance followed by "T'was the night before Christmas". Hannah's side had a KG1-KG2 nativity scene and song, a Prathom1-3 Rudolph sing-along and a Prathom 4-6 Jingle Bell Rock.

Everyone worked really hard to get everything ready on time and Shane's show even had to restart as the guest of honour, the president of the temple schools arrived! Both shows went off without any problems (despite the fears of all of us teachers!) and were super adorable. The kids were amazing and we are so proud of all of them!

Here are some pictures from the Christmas show... video to follow when we have better internet connection! (Hopefully this week!)

 My little KG1 angels! lol
"baby Jesus" in his manger...
Some of my students hanging out on our Christmas/New Years party day at school!
Handing out presents... Sweatiest santa ever lol.
Our little tiny Christmas tree!

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